Moo0 VideoInfo 1.10

Utility that displays information about video/audio files
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6 screenshots of Moo0 VideoInfo

Moo0 VideoInfo is a program that acts as an informer: you can find out any information about an audio or video file.

The program is similar to the "properties" menu item, but the information it gives is much wider.

Features of Moo0 VideoInfo

The utility provides information on items such as:

  • Codecs that the audio or video file uses.
  • Image size, aspect ratio, resolution.
  • The reason why some files do not open or a playback error is displayed.
  • The size, format, and duration of the file.
  • Audio channels, sample rate and bit rate.

Moo0 VideoInfo program has a simple interface: the main window has a drag-and-drop panel, where you can place the desired file with a single mouse motion, and a panel with information that can be presented as a list or in a table form. The program installs and works without additional utilities on all Windows operating systems and supports multiple languages.

Moo0 VideoInfo recognizes almost all video and audio formats and gives accurate information about each of them.

Additional Information

Age restrictions
Sunday, 02 June 2024
Current version
Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP
Bit mode
32+64 bit

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